10 reasons why France is the ideal sustainable destination

Green tourism

© Skynesher/GettyImages

Reading time: 0 minPublished on 16 February 2024

Experience the wonders of France’s unspoiled forests and nature reserves, discover its wealth of historic treasures and cultural heritage and delve into its authentic savoir-faire

1. Camping is for everyone

The French campsites offers opportunities for every budget and every type of holiday. Regardless if you are driving over in your motorhome, come packed with a tent, or you choose to hire a campsite chalet or go full out glamping. The 8000 camping sites are dotted all over the country, including sites along the various coastlines for beach holidays, near pretty towns and villages and also for slower holidays embracing nature and pausing to stop.

2. Protected natural habitats

Speaking of nature, since the launch of its very first national park in Isère, the Parc de la Bérarde, in 1913, France has embarked on a twin mission to safeguard and revive its natural habitats and biodiversity and boost local economies through sustainable tourism. Today, the country counts 11 national parks spanning 60,000km2, 54 natural regional parks and nine natural marine parks as well as 47 ‘Grands Sites’ welcoming around 32 million visitors each year.

3. UNESCO-listed savoir-faire

France’s wealth of natural wonders is second only to its cultural heritage, history and traditions. No fewer than 23 French celebrations, crafts and customs - among them alpinism, Britanny’s Fest-noz dance festival or the perfume-making techniques of Grasse - take pride of place on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

4. Slow tourism

Cycling along the Loire
© Ourson+ / AdobeStock - Cycling along the Loire

A boon for eco-tourists and lovers of the great outdoors, France is crisscrossed by no fewer than 369 GR (Sentier de Grande Randonnée) hiking trails, including the iconic Chemin de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle and the tour du Mont Blanc trek. The playground of seasoned cyclists, the Hexagon is also bisected by nine (out of 15) trans-European cycle routes; chief among them the Vélodyssée, Loire à Vélo and Viarhôna.

5. Must-try produce and local specialities

France isn’t nicknamed the “land of a thousand cheeses” for nothing. Every last corner of the country is brimming with homegrown produce and its art de la table is the envy of the world. From the red label and ‘Organic Agriculture’ stamp to the AOP and AOC appellations, countless designations ensure the protection and guarantee the origin and traceability of its cheeses, renowned wines and other gourmet staples.

6. Sustainable food

An increasing number of restaurateurs are now adopting a more sustainable approach to gastronomy by reducing food miles and waste and serving up locally-sourced, seasonal and authentic fare. In a bid to recognise their efforts, the Michelin Guide launched a new Sustainable Gastronomy label in 2020, singling out eateries with outstanding environmental practices. Around 50 restaurants have been awarded the green-dining accolade to date.

7. The rural heartland

France’s rolling countryside, its spellbinding landscapes and slower pace of life have always held a near magnetic attraction for tourists in search of authenticity. Thanks to such initiatives as ‘Accueil Paysan’ and ‘Bienvenue à la ferme’, holidaymakers can now get a taste of the simple life, hop on a whistle-stop tour of local farms and meet the gatekeepers of ancestral traditions and savoir-faire.

8. Picture-perfect towns and villages

Unclesam / AdobeStock
© Unclesam / AdobeStock

The Hexagon’s quaint towns and villages are the perfect antidote to mass tourism; a chance to discover picturesque nooks away from the madding crowd. The best way to start your exploration is by checking out the various labels and designations signposting France’s historic villages and most remarkable towns. The ‘Plus Beaux Villages de France’ association counts 159 member villages and aims to promote and protect the country’s most enchanting hamlets. A total of 107 unmissable towns and villages have been recognised as ‘Plus Beaux Détours de France’ thanks to their unique character, host of attractions and charming accommodation. Finally, the ‘Petites Cités de Caractère’ label champions outstanding rural towns paving the way for sustainable tourism.

9. Green cities

France counts some of the most eco-friendly cities in the world, chief among them Nantes, which was voted European Green Capital in 2013. Following hot on its heels, Dijon and Grenoble recently reached the finals of the 2022 European Green Capital Award. While Lyon narrowly missed out on a place in the shortlist, its commitment to sustainability and green-living track record have been recognised time and again over the years. Not only was Lyon named French Diversity Capital in 2019, it holds the coveted title of European Smart City.

10. Accessible tourism for all

From ‘Destinations pour tous’ to ‘Tourisme & Handicap’, a growing number of nationwide campaigns and labels strive to improve accessibility for and cater to the less-able-bodied. No fewer than 5,536 tourist attractions and accommodations across the country are now wheelchair-friendly including 337 in Charente-Maritime alone and 205 in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques.


By France.fr

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