Art, history, anthropology, theatre, cinema... But you still can’t get enough? Neither can Lyon. Follow your heart’s desire in the city where two rivers meet.
Demand the best
In the Journal des Arts 2017 rankings, Lyon Fine Art Museum came out on top. From antique chic to modern pop, your journey is only just beginning...
Drive retro
Lock up your bike. Now, thanks to the Happy 2CV Club, you can explore Lyon at the wheel of a French icon.
Experience the infinitesimal
In the 16th century interior of the Miniatures & Cinema Museum, discover the magic of home-made special effects that predates the digital era.
Find your seat before the lights go down
45 venues, 70 shows: with the Balises, 2018 is the year of the theatre in Lyon and the surrounding area. So... will it be the stalls or the upper circle?
The only way is up
Sick of traipsing around museums? Head up to the Jardin des Curiosités at dusk. There you’ll find 6000m² of nature and outstanding views of the whole city.
Get up to speed with humanity
You’ll love the Confluences museum! Daring architecture, ambitious programming, and cultural dialogue... It’s got it all. You can even get there by boat!
Take the city’s pulse
Gentrified or authentic? Lyon’s answer to Brooklyn is La Guillotière. Visit around brunchtime and decide for yourself.
Don’t look back
Get your modern art fix at MAC... You’ve already been? Even better! This museum is different at every visit.
Go green
Public gardens and alternative spaces. It all started with a picnic... In Place Mazagran, you’ll develop a taste for a new city lifestyle.

By Émilie Guilhen
Copywriter and copy editor in Paris.