Costumes, choreography and music: everything is ready for the launch of the traditional carnival in the Guadeloupe Islands! During two months of festivities, the entire archipelago dances the cha-cha to the wild rhythms of drums, whistles and other instruments of the carnival parades. Is your interest piqued yet? Come discover this fabulous Caribbean party.
Rinestones and glitter

Created by the 17th century settlers, today the carnival of the Guadeloupe Islands is a truly Caribbean moment. Consisting of different groups that parade before the awed public, dancers and musicians share the parade in a festive face-to-face, illustrating the diversity of the archipelago’s population. Big and small have been preparing this celebration for months, resulting in a cohesive and general jubilant moment.
Return to traditions

Among the many groups, there is one that stands apart: the "Gwoup a pò," which has become a key Carnival figure. Born in the 1980s, like the Akiyo group, they claim to represent a return to Guadeloupean culture. Far from glitter and rhinestones, the “Gwoup a pò” make their costumes and instruments from organic or recycled materials.

Les plus jeunes participent également à la fête. Dans de nombreuses communes des Îles de Guadeloupe, les enfants, déguisés et maquillés comme les grands, paradent fièrement sous le regard attendri des adultes… Une belle occasion pour tous de s’amuser, chanter et danser !
Join the dance!

Since the 2017 edition, travelers on site a few days before the start of the carnival can participate in the preparation of the parade: costume making, rehearsal, choreography. It's an exceptional opportunity to become one of the actors of this incredible moment all the way up until the day of the parade!

From Pointe-à-Pitre to Basse-Terre to Grand-Bourg de Marie-Galante, numerous parades with shimmering costumes and exuberant masks will entrance the entire crowd big, and small! Especially since they all are lulled by the rhythm of drums, percussions and songs.
Drums beating!

The drums are the vital instruments of the carnival parades in Guadeloupe. Whether they're made of goatskin or simple plastic barrels, the percussions aim to drive away evil spirits!
Original !

Costumes jaunes chatoyants, robes blanches immaculées ou costumes en traditionnel tissus madras, le mot d’ordre du carnaval des Îles de Guadeloupe est l’originalité ! Chaque groupe fait preuve d’une grande imagination pour remporter l’éloge du jury lors du grand défilé de mardi gras ! Vous ne le saviez peut-être pas les visiteurs peuvent y participer dans le cadre de séjour « immersion » !

Le carnaval de Guadeloupe est l'occasion pour chacun de parader fièrement et d'illustrer son attachement à cet événement traditionnel.

The magazine of the destination unravels an unexpected France that revisits tradition and cultivates creativity. A France far beyond what you can imagine…