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Cultural Heritage

© LOURDES SEGADE / Atout France

Reading time: 0 minPublished on 5 March 2018, updated on 12 July 2021

A French heritage on the move

Gare Saint Sauveur Lille3000 ©David Schalliol/Atout France
© Gare Saint Sauveur Lille3000 ©David Schalliol/Atout France

Every year, France’s flourishing cultural scene sees a steady stream of museum openings, ambitious renovation plans for monuments, and brand new festivals.

Over a series of 35 diptychs, a fascinating panorama unfolds

©Lourdes Segade/Atout France
© ©Lourdes Segade/Atout France

France eMotion – The animated journey is the fruit of a close collaboration between Atout France, the Institut français and exhibition curator Muriel Enjalran. Four photographers from around the globe — Ishola Akpo of Benin, Edu Monteiro of Brazil, David Schalliol of the United States, and Lourdes Segade of Spain — were asked to travel to different parts of France during the summer of 2017 to photograph 35 cultural attractions.

Animated pictures

Lourdes Segade
© Lourdes Segade

To bring these photographs to life, French artists Julie Chheng and Thomas Pons created an animated character that changes form as it moves through the images: a touch of augmented reality that can be viewed with the help of a free and easy to use mobile app.

Enjoy your animated journey!

Exposition présentée à l'Alliance Française de Rio de Janeiro au Brésil
© Exposition présentée à l'Alliance Française de Rio de Janeiro au Brésil

The result is an artistic experience like no other. With its combination of photography and digital animation, France eMotion takes viewers on an eye-opening journey to discover — or rediscover — France’s rich heritage. The exhibition will be on the road until 2020, making stops in Spain, Italy, Germany, Brazil, the United States, and Benin.

This exhibition is currently featured at Alliance Française Ottawa until January 2019 at 352 MacLaren St – Gallery.

By France.fr

The magazine of the destination unravels an unexpected France that revisits tradition and cultivates creativity. A France far beyond what you can imagine…