Full sunlight in Corsica: 7 amazing stops to cool down

27.2° in the morning

CorsicaNature and Outdoor Activities

Infografick - Getty Images
© Infografick - Getty Images

Reading time: 0 minPublished on 2 April 2024

During summer, Corsica unleashes its legendary heat, from the sun's fiery rays reflected off the translucent waters. While we love its telltale warmth, we love Corsica all the more for the cool breaks it offers. Here are our top 7:

1. Diving in Marine Nature Reserves

Dive into the blue waves that surround the island on all sides. Best of all, a snorkeling or scuba diving session can be had in one of the Marine Nature Reserves, from the Cerbicales Islands to the Lavezzi Islands, through the Finocchiarlo Archipelago, Scandola or Bonifaccio.

2. Chew in refreshing fruit

The local production of summer fruits ripens into incomparable taste and freshness. Peaches, nectarines, apricots, fresh figs, plums, grapes or cherries are all served with gusto.

3. Chase the rivers

Corsica is criss-crossed by numerous streams and rivers, whose banks sometimes allow passage on horseback or wading. Less frequented than the beaches, they ribbon all throughout the island, waiting for visitors seeking calm and freshness.

4. Take refuge in churches

The island is full of religious buildings, the witnesses of Corsican fervor: churches, convents, oratories, chapels—there are no fewer than 150 chapels in the 18 municipalities of Cape Corse! It's more than enough to commune with your spirituality ... and enjoy the coolness inside the great stone buildings!

5. Take shelter in the forests

Known for its sea and mountains, Corsica also has many surprises in the heart of its forests. Beautiful and populated with multiple species, they deliver their secrets (and their shade in the summer!) to the relaxed ambler, the nature-lover, or the experienced hiker. Bonifatu, Ospedale, Piana, and many more forests hide wonders under their canopies.

6. Take a break in a bergerie

Sheep farms (bergeries) enjoy a place of honor within the Corsican heritage. Simple or ultra-luxurious, they often welcome guests for a lunch or a stay—and the centuries-old stones of their buildings always harbor cool air.

7. Paddle at sunset

Enjoy the serenity found paddling on a sea dyed the orange-yellow-violet of a Corsican sunset. The air is soft, the sky is electric, and you're gliding on a board in the cool evening air. Paradise!

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