Logis de France


Logis Hotels
© Logis Hotels

Reading time: 0 minPublished on 4 January 2023

A history and a philosophy

The history of Logis hotel-restaurants

Created over 60 years ago, the Logis hotel-restaurants network is the leading chain of independent hotel restaurants in Europe with more than 2,800 establishments. It is recognised, acknowledged ad appreciated for its values of tradition, conviviality and quality.

Values you can count on

Founded in 1949, the Fédération Internationale of Logis hotel-restaurants is present in many European countries but each one shares the same spirit and the same values: customised welcome, quality accommodation, regionally-inspired cuisine, friendliness and an invitation to discover.

Quality Commitment

Quality: a priority to Logis hotel-restaurants

By joining the Logis hotel-restaurants network, hotel managers commit to complying with our quality charter and with the criteria relating to their “fireplaces” and “pots” classification. The criteria grid used for Logis hotel-restaurants is becoming increasingly demanding to better meet the expectations of today’s customers: more comfort, more services and more modernity.

Mystery visits

For several years, mystery visits have been conducted systematically throughout the Logis hotel-restaurants. Coming from authorised, independent agencies, our “mystery shoppers” are given the assignment of auditing the quality of the services provided. Close to 500 criteria are assessed to validate the establishment’s classification in terms of “fireplaces” or “pots”, and to monitor quality on an ongoing basis.

The Logis Charter Committee is entitled at any time to review the classification of any establishment that would not comply with Logis brand standards.

The Logis Quality Charter

The quality charter for Logis hotel-restaurants gathers all network members around the same, single passion for their “innkeeper” trade. The charter is on display in every establishment and presents the fundamental values that make up the Logis spirit.The Fédération Internationale des Logis (FIL) is duly authorised by the French Ministry for Tourism to award the “Qualité Tourisme” label (Tourism Quality) to establishments that meet the required criteria.

Logis classification

Logis quality accommodation: guaranteed comfort and service

The “fireplaces” classification is specific to Logis quality accommodation. They are based upon a highly precise approach taking into account the welcome, comfort, facilities, services, decoration, tourist advice, environmental friendliness, etc.

This classification into 1, 2, 3 fireplaces or in Logis d’Exception will help you better choose the Logis accommodation that best suits your needs and aspirations. If you are seeking full service with a good quality/pleasure/price ratio, you should choose the 1 fireplace Logis. If you want more services and options, then the 2 or 3 fireplaces are made for you. Whatever the classification, in every hotel you will find the Logis spirit. Lastly, for unique pleasures, check out the Logis d’Exception

Choose the Logis accommodation that suits you

1 Fireplace:

Excellent value for money in an property showing authentic charm and with guaranteed comfort.

2 Fireplaces:

High-quality hotels offering scrupulous facility, all for the best price.

3 Fireplaces:

Luxury properties, featuring a comprehensive range of facilities to make your stay a perfect one.

Logis d’Exception:

Properties that stand out through the very high quality of their services, their setting and their dining.

Logis d’Exception

Hotels that generate happy memories

A “Logis d’Exception” is, first of all, a place with something different about it, an atmosphere, a history to share. It is an elegant, refined house, a special environment, with a unique and personal decor.

It also gives an impression of space and generous volumes. A “Logis d’Exception” offers very high-quality service, attentive care of guests, attention to detail, a constant awareness… The cuisine is of a high standard, and the latest technical facilities are available.

So for your next stay, don’t hesitate in choosing Logis hotel-restaurants to marry comfort and authenticity.

By France.fr

The magazine of the destination unravels an unexpected France that revisits tradition and cultivates creativity. A France far beyond what you can imagine…