Martinique seen from the sky... you’ll want to dive in!

Vertigo blue

MartiniqueNature and Outdoor Activities

Pierrick / Adobe Stock
© Pierrick / Adobe Stock

Reading time: 0 minPublished on 27 July 2023

Beautiful beaches with a skirt of sand reflecting a thousand shades, decorated with lush vegetation and sun-baked rocks… The stunning landscape of Martinique never ceases to amaze. Take to the skies to admire its beauty from above.

Volcanic sand

The Black Cove is well named: this small black sand cove in southern Martinique contrasts beautifully with the crystal clear waters. Descend a colossal staircase of 130 steps to the beach. It’s well worth the effort. Relax in the shade of the trees or don your mask and snorkel to explore the treasures of the seabed.

Paradise for all the family

With translucent waters, a sandy beach lined with verdant lawns under the shade of coconut trees, beach huts, picnic tables, a slide and swings, there’s no better place to spend time with your family. This paradise is in the south of the island, at Anse Figuier.

50 shades of blue

Ever dreamed of walking on water? At Club Med, an institution in south-west Martinique since 1969, it’s actually a possibility! A village of luxury bungalows surrounded by tropical gardens and coconut groves, Club Med’s tropical resort at Les Boucaniers embraces the Creole spirit at the edge of Sainte-Anne, one of the most sublime beaches on the island. Village des Boucaniers

Grey or gold?

Discover a new shade at Anse du Carbet: a grey that transforms to gold beneath the sun’s rays. But this is not the only fabulous sight on this vast beach. As you paddle in the tranquil water, it’s almost impossible to look away from the magnificent Pelée mountain rising above you.

Pick your perch

Vivid shades of contrasting blue and green can be truly admired from the village of Vauclin, the premier fishing port of the island. Hikers of all levels will love the scenery and a small climb will reveal the beauty of wild beaches, mangroves, beautiful flora and fauna and unforgettable views of the white sands of the seafloor at the southeast coast of the island.

A pontoon in the ocean

Want to be alone? Head to îlet Thierry and relax on a pontoon, free from the stresses of daily life. Just off the coast by the town of Le François, this tiny island has only one house, built by a wealthy planter in pure Creole style in the late 19th century. L’Habitation de l’îlet Thierry (French only)

Diamond in the sea

An icon of Martinique, Diamond Rock takes its name from the reflections of the sun in the surrounding water, like the sparkling facets of a diamond. Looming out of the Caribbean Sea, off the southwest coast of Martinique, this 175m high volcanic island is a protected natural area. The main visitors are birds and snakes called "couresses", an indigenous species. The only humans to see it up close are the divers exploring its seabed to discover the corals, caves, faults, turtles and barracudas!

Boundless beach

Three kilometres of white sand fringed with coconut trees, their leafy fronds waving in a gentle breeze, make the Grande Anse des Salines one of the most popular beaches in Martinique. The locals love this place: at the end of the week, it’s a really popular picnic spot. Small restaurants nestle under the palm trees and street vendors offer tasty treats including of course, coconut ice cream.


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