Opening of the Fragonard Perfume Museum


ParisCultural HeritageShopping and French Savoir FaireCities

Musée du Parfum Fragonard - Benjamin Chelly
© Musée du Parfum Fragonard - Benjamin Chelly

Reading time: 3 minPublished on 15 September 2015, updated on 19 March 2024

À Paris, à deux pas de l’Opéra Garnier, la Maison Fragonard, célèbre parfumeur de Grasse, vous ouvre les portes de son musée qui résonne des secrets de la parfumerie et de son histoire. Du savoir-faire de la parfumerie à la fabrication en passant par le processus de création, le Musée du Parfum est un endroit de choix pour lever le voile sur les étapes qui donnent vie aux parfums.

In Paris, just a few steps away from the Palais Garnier Opera House, visit the Perfume Museum by Maison Fragonard. The famous perfumer from Grasse, France opened this museum in September 2015 to reveal the history and secrets of perfume.

Discover the stages involved in bringing perfume to life at the Perfume Museum, such as the know-how behind perfume manufacturing and the creation process involved.

Learn about perfume production methods used by the Fragonard Perfumery in detail from start to finish: initial materials to collect, extraction, distillation, forming the product, bottling the liquid, packaging... and the importance of being a “nose” master perfumer, identifying and selecting fragrances to use.

Theatre, Velodrome, now Museum

Built in 1926, the Maison Fragonard has chosen a location that echoes the excellence of the fragrances the company produces.

The Eden Theatre used to be a showplace with exceptionally large halls and rooms. Its design was inspired by both Egyptian and Indian architecture which were in fashion at the time. The rooms featured original and luxurious decor, painted ceilings, wooden floors, romantic decorative patterns, fireplaces and chandeliers.

Later in the 19th century however, the Eden Theatre was forced to close. It was partly destroyed, and then converted into a place where Parisians could learn how to cycle on a rotating cycling carousel. The circular track from the machine is still visible today, now accompanied by copper distillation vats and other perfume extraction equipment suspended above and around them.

Cabinet of Curiosity

A staggeringly large room was preserved from this era. Within lies a “cabinet of curiosity”: shelves holding various objects and raw materials previously used in perfume. Observe the "orgue à parfums"(“perfume organ”), a large pyramid-shaped shelving unit filled with bottles each containing a different fragrance.

Operate one of the ten interactive windows available here, showcasing around 1200 fascinating objects related to the history of the perfumery spanning 3000 years of ancestry.

In another part of the museum, behold the wonderful collection of past and present perfume bottles on display, a fantastic way to follow the history of the company all the way back from the Ancient Egyptians in the 20th century.

Examine Fragonard’s impressive collection of perfume labels, an important packaging element that has evolved during the company’s industrialisation.

Introduction to the World of Perfume

Explore the three other rooms available at the museum. Learn the history of the Fragonard family in the first room, visit the temporary exhibition on display in the next, and last but not least, have a taste of what working in the perfume industry is like and experience first-hand how to make your own perfume in a beginner’s workshop class!

Want to keep a souvenir from your visit? Head over to the boutique, covered by a glass roof and incorporating illuminated tables to compliment the showcasing of the products made by the

Maison Fragonard

Address Musée du Parfum Fragonard 3-5 Square de l’Opéra Louis Jouvet 75009 Paris

Initiez-vous à la parfumerie

Le musée propose également trois autres salles. L'une qui raconte l'histoire de la famille Fragonard, l'autre où se tiennent les expositions temporaires et la dernière réservée à l’initiation à la parfumerie.

Désireux de garder un souvenir de cette enivrante visite ? Dirigez-vous vers la superbe boutique, dominée par une verrière et décorée de jolies tables lumineuses qui rendent hommage aux produits de la Maison Fragonard.

Conseils et Recommandations Vous rêvez d’en apprendre davantage sur les mystères de l’élaboration d’un parfum et sur la mythique Maison Fragonard ? Le Musée du Parfum à Paris exauce votre souhait en vous proposant son exposition gratuite et en accès libre. Et si vous vous sentez l’âme d’un grand nez, ou avez tout simplement envie de vous prêter au jeu, optez pour un atelier (apprenti) parfumeur. Pensez simplement à réserver. Et pour vous y rendre, n’hésitez pas à privilégier les transports en commun. Les possibilités d’accès ne manquent pas. Le choix de la sobriété (énergétique) et de la praticité. Beau voyage olfactif à vous !

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