Did you know? Dordogne-Périgord would undoubtedly be one of the cradles of walnuts. We find traces of them in the shelters that served as dwellings for Cro-Magnon Man. And we know that walnut oil was an essential production for the economy of Périgord in the thirteenth century. Dordogne is the second largest walnut-producing department in France.
They are produced in the area encompassing the Dordogne-Périgord, Lot, Corrèze and Charente for four varieties of walnuts (Marbot, Corne, Franquette and Grandjean). They have a protected designation of origin (PDO) for fresh, dried walnuts and green walnut meat: the Périgord walnut.
This fruit, consumed alone or transformed into culinary specialties, has made the region famous for oil, liqueur, jam, chocolate or sugar cakes.
In 2021, the Professional Walnut Union has obtained a PDO for walnut oil, another important product in the gastronomic heritage of the Dordogne-Périgord.

The "Périgord Walnut Route"
To discover the Grandjean (origin: the Sarlat region) or the Corne (origin: Terrasson). This itinerary reveals the hidden riches of the land, but also the secrets of the people who live on it: the restorers, artisans, manufacturers, producers, local markets, museums...

Walnut Museum at the Vielcroze Mill If you're interested in walnuts, take a detour to the Mill of Vielcroze in Castelnaud-la-Chapelle. At the foot of the Château de Castelnaud, on an eighteenth-century farmhouse surrounded by a 7-hectare organic walnut tree, there is a museum dedicated to the walnut: the origins, history, work, culture of walnut. A master mill will reveal all the secrets of the manufacture of walnut oil to be savoured directly from the press. The visit includes a walk in the walnut forest to discover the local flora and fauna.
The Mill of La Veyssière in Neuvic sur l'Isle The Mill of La Veyssière is the last active oil mill in the Vern Valley, in Neuvic sur l'Isle. From generation to generation, the Elias family perpetuates the artisanal production of oils (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds) and flours. A true living heritage, a place of life and sharing, its visit will take you on a journey between history and gastronomy. In the spring of 2021, three new spaces were inaugurated: a museum space, an educational garden and a picnic space. And at the end of the tour, you will be offered a tasting.
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