Recipe: Pommes Dauphine by Stéphanie Le Quellec

La France dans votre assiette

ParisFood and Wine

French Bistro Food  / AdobeStock
© French Bistro Food / AdobeStock

Reading time: 0 minPublished on 27 April 2020

With restaurants closed (except for takeaways) and foodies confined to their homes, it’s time to broaden our own cooking repertoires. French chefs have been posting their recipes on social media, in particular Instagram, where photos of delectable dishes make you want to head straight for the kitchen. Today we’re learning to make tender, fluffy Pommes Dauphine with Stéphanie Le Quellec. Enjoy!

By Pascale Filliâtre

Journalist-traveller. I often voyage to the end of the world to explore what France offers... just next door. [email protected]