The History of France and of Sport In Saint-Denis
The city of Saint-Denis lies to the northeast of Paris and has been an important city in the Ile-de-France region since the Middle Ages, so important that in those days people spoke of "Paris, which is near Saint-Denis". In the Middle Ages, the city was already known for the annual fair of Lendit, and the beautiful basilica cathedral also originates from this city. This impressive edifice is strongly related to the history of France, notably through the Necropole des Rois et Reines de France - the resting place of the kings and queens of France.
With the construction of the Stade de France, the city is entering a new - dynamic - phase, enhanced by the impact of the 1998 World Cup. The stadium is located in the Plaine Saint-Denis district and hosts performances and concerts in addition to the many sporting events.
But Saint-Denis also hosts many festivals, arts and performances.
What not to miss at Saint-Denis
The Basilique Cathédrale or Saint-Denis Basilica, the oldest masterpiece of Gothic art, the royal necropolis and the unique collection of over 70 recumbent statues and funerary monuments, with stained glass from the XIIth and XIXth centuries;
The Maison d'Education de la Légion d'honneur, ancient abbey used as a school for young girls;
The Stade de France®, sports and concert venue, can host up to 80 000 supporters and can be visited;
The Museum of Art and History, located in the old Carmel, houses a rich collection on the history of the city, Paris and surroundings ;
The Cité du cinéma founded by Luc Besson, an old power station now used as a cinema ;
The Fabrique de la Ville on the history of Saint-Denis through archaeological excavations and the framework of a house;
The market in the centre and the covered arcades, a reflection of the city: multicultural and rich... a journey around the world without moving ;
The Canal Saint-Denis, opened to shipping in 1821, played a major role in the development of the city and of Paris. The many remnants of the industry built on the banks of the canal are still visible today.
The historical route along 20 information kiosks, to learn about the history and development of the city.
6B, creative and artistic breeding ground of 7 000 m², with 161 residents who practice their profession, their art.
Events in Saint-Denis Paris
The Fête des Tulipes : street art and circus, theatre, fairy tales, music, dance, games and shows for all ages (April)
The Festival Métis : music from different corners of the world, concerts in 9 different cities (May-June)
Festivals de Saint-Denis : major classical concerts, symphonies and choirs at the Basilica (June)
The Fête de Saint-Denis : games, shows, world cuisine (October)
Festival Hip-Hop et des cultures urbaines : tribute to all forms of urban culture: rap, slam, graffiti... (October-November)
Access to Saint-Denis
-Airplane : 2 Paris international airports : Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle and Orly
-Train : 6 major train stations in Paris: gare du Nord, gare de l'Est, gare Saint-Lazare, gare Montparnasse, gare de Lyon, gare d'Austerlitz
-Auto : autoroute A1 Brussels-Lille-Paris via Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport ; A 86 from Bobigny to Nanterre via the Stade de France ®. The "nationale 1" connects Paris to Beauvais via Saint-Denis and Pierrefitte, the "nationale 2" from Paris to Senlis via Aubervilliers and La Courneuve.
-Public Transport Paris : Metro 13, Basilique de Saint-Denis - RER D, Gare de Saint-Denis. Tram 1, Basilique de Saint-Denis.
Contact Saint-Denis Paris Tourist Office
Office de tourisme de Plaine Commune Grand Paris 1, rue de la République 93200 Saint-Denis
Tel.: + 33 01 55 870 870 Mail : (External link)
Saint-Denis Tourisme Facebook Saint-Denis :

The magazine of the destination unravels an unexpected France that revisits tradition and cultivates creativity. A France far beyond what you can imagine…