Quaint boutiques in creative Norman-style architecture, picket fences and flower-lined streets, elegant passersby...
Add to this an innate flair for refinement, a faint smell of the sea and the sound of waves in the distance - no wonder Deauville has been a favourite of celebrities and artists for more than a century!
Stylish Seaside Shopping
High-end French brands have set up shop in the pedestrian area between the beach and the polo field. This is where, in fact, Coco Chanel opened her second boutique - after the one on rue Cambon in Paris - exactly 100 years ago. This certainly calls for a celebratory shopping spree, don't you agree? Mais oui! Luckily for us, all of the best shops in this seaside resort are within easy walking distance.
Emblematic Equestrian Chic
Famous for its races and competitions, polo matches and stud farms, Deauville is France's undisputable horse town. Partake in this equine passion with visits to Hermès (Place du Casino), Longchamp (76 Rue Eugène Colas), and Ralph Lauren (70 Rue Désiré Le Hoc).
If you prefer hunting for relics from the past, make your way to the brocantes and antique shops on nearby Avenue de la République. Antiq Ô Thé (1 avenue de la République) has an elaborate collection of Asian artefacts as well as a delightful area dedicated to the Dammann Frères tea specialists.
Tasty Souvenirs
Dupont avec un Thé (20 place Morny) is the most famous teahouse on the Norman coast and one of the best chocolatiers in France. Gourmand and looking for a good reason to compare sweets? Try also Au duc de Morny (59a rue Désiré Le Hoc), a chocolate-maker named after Napoleon III's half-brother. Morny played a major role in the development of horseracing and breeding in France and built the Deauville - La Touques Race Course in 1862.
Balance flavours with a stop at Conserverie La belle-iloise (21 rue Désiré Le Hoc), a family-owned enterprise that boasts a huge variety of canned fish specialties in gorgeous gift-friendly packaging.
To Your Health!
You can't come all the way to Normandy without trying apple cider, Calvados, or the mix of these two that creates the local aperitif, Pommeau. La Cave de Deauville (48 rue Mirabeau) has a vast selection, but if you prefer to see for yourself how the apple elixir is made, there are a couple of boutique distilleries less than 15 kilometres outside of Deauville: Calvados Père Magloire (Route de Trouville) and Calvados Christian Drouin, Domaine Coeur de Lion (Le Lieu Saint-Pierre on D677).
Lunch with Style
Why not go for the full-fledged Normandy experience with a brunch or cocktail at one of Deauville's three Lucien Barrière hotels? Glamour guaranteed.
If you prefer something more low-key, pick up a basket full of fresh cheeses, fruits and vegetables from the farmers' market at Place Morny (open Tuesday, Friday and Saturday mornings) then picnic on the beach under one of Deauville's mythical colourful parasols. Top this off with two scoops of Normandy's best ice cream at Martine Lambert (76 bis rue Eugène Colas) then stroll along the wooden boardwalk to people-watch and contemplate the sweetness of... shopping in Deauville!

By France.fr
The magazine of the destination unravels an unexpected France that revisits tradition and cultivates creativity. A France far beyond what you can imagine…