The Forest of Brocéliande is a distant dream for some... But for Alice Bertrand, a photographer with a passion for mist, it’s home.
The forest is always beautiful, but autumn is my favourite season. Everything changes colour before hibernating for the winter.
The ferns burst into flames, but the pines stay ever green. They only let through a few rays of the pale morning sun. The perfect light for my kind of photography!
Not everyone sleeps through winter: some of us have to work! Like Alain here, a specialist in horse-drawn hauling, and a real character! He tells anyone who will listen why horses are the best way to haul.
Horses can go anywhere, easily negotiating the forest.
My friend Amandine and I like to walk the heath in winter. We love it: there’s not a soul for miles and it’s great for photos.
Heather is one of the typical heathland plants. Its flowers are tiny but its warm colours are so photogenic!
Amandine is full of good ideas. She decided to bake some Amaretti. They’re shockingly sweet but so, so good! She knows me too well...
Brocéliande also has its share of ponds, and this one is my favourite. I pass it every morning and it never looks the same two days in a row! In this one it's sleeping, misty and monochrome. A perfect film set, don’t you think?

By Alice Bertrand
Alice Bertrand, a French photographer in France and the UK. She likes mist, the countryside, and milk chocolate... [](