Good France : Celebrate French Gastronomy in Australia


Food and WineCities

  • dateFrom 24 June to 25 July 2024
  • placeAustralia

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© Ambassade de France en Australie - Event Good France

Reading time: 0 minPublished on 9 July 2024

Launched in 2015 by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the renowned chef Alain Ducasse, Good France is a unique global initiative that celebrates French gastronomy.

This event spans over 150 countries, organized by the French diplomatic network, showcasing the richness of French cuisine and the excellence of French chefs.

In Australia, the Good France campaign is running from June 24, 2024, until the opening of the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, focusing on the theme "Sport and Gastronomy." The French Ambassador to Australia, Pierre André Imbert, is thrilled to reintroduce this campaign Down Under after several years of absence, with exciting events both Melbourne and Canberra.

Additionally, hundreds of restaurants, cafés, food shops, producers, importers, and exporters across Australia are showcasing French gastronomy throughout the coming month. Partner restaurants are featuring special menus with dedicated products and signature dishes. Various events and initiatives are bringing the vibrant essence of French cuisine to life.

See the list of restaurants and partners part of the Good France Campaign

Bon Appétit !

© Ambassade de France en Australie - Event Good France