Festival of puppets, nine days of outstanding events in the Ardennes


ChampagneCultural HeritageWith Family

  • dateFrom 16 to 24 September 2023
  • placeThe French Ardennes on the map

David Truillard
© David Truillard

Reading time: 2 minPublished on 8 February 2023

The 21st edition of the World Festival of Puppet Theaters is a triple anniversary: - 60 years of the Festival (founded in 1961 by Jacques Félix, President of the Petits Comédiens de Chiffons), - 40 years of the International Institute of Puppetry, - 30 years of the Grand Marionnettiste (place Winston Churchill). See you from September 16 to 24, 2023 in Charleville-Mézières.

Discovering Charleville-Mézières during the World Festival of Puppet Theaters is a unique experience in the world. Effervescence, creativity and fantaisy

Our advice to enjoy this fabulous anthill.

Opening : Experience an intense moment of sharing, with the opening show traditionally given on the Place Ducale on the first Saturday, launching nine days of freedom and artistic inventiveness. The following Saturday, another appointment for the closing.

David Truillard
© David Truillard

An In des Off : Ilka Schönbein, Neville Tranter, Agnès Limbos, Duda Paiva, Les Anges au Plafond, Turak, Yael Rassoly... Dozens of renowned and talented artists are announced for 2023. To enjoy the In salle, book in advance, for the Off salle, the day before is enough and for the street, In or Off.

Curiosity : Stalls, restaurants and ephemeral performance spaces are created during these 6 days. Be curious, surprises await you in unexpected places.

Puppet bar : A meeting place for the puppet community, the many volunteers and festival-goers, come and relax and enjoy the entertainment during the whole festival. The ideal place to meet experts, learn about the history of the festival and find good deals.

David Truillard
© David Truillard

The Puppet in Charleville-Mézières, it is also :

The Museum of the Ardennes : Discover puppets from all over the world in a vast panorama from the end of the 19th century to today.

The Great Puppeteer : This giant automaton created by Jacques Monestier plays every hour a playlet from the legend of the Four Aymon sons.

THE ESNAM : The puppeteers have their own school since 1987. Show of the new graduates. Open house in March.

The International Puppet Institute : A place for meeting, teaching and reflection, this international resource center opens its documentation center.

Information about the Festival:

www.festival-marionnette.com The French Ardennes

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