One look at its distinctive coloured tubing and exterior escalators, and you’ll know that the Pompidou Centre boasts of technical characteristics that make it so unique.
A museum with an iconic design of visual appeal
Designed as an “evolving spatial diagram” by architects Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, it opened to the public in the heart of Paris, in February 1977.
Since its construction, the revolutionary building with its colourful, inside-out structure, has become an icon of 20th century architecture, and remains a source of inspiration for a whole generation of architects almost 20 years on. Extending over 10 floors of 7500 m2 each, it also houses 2 cinemas and a public reference library (the Bpi) which is free and open to all.
The outside escalator leads to the sixth and top floor that allows you to enjoy the panoramic view of the city and admire the Eiffel Tower, Montparnasse, Montmartre from the top!
The largest museum for modern art in Europe
Dedicated to all forms of visual culture, the Pompidou Centre is where fine art rubs shoulders with design, architecture, photography and ever-changing new media. With over 100,000 works in its collections, the exhibitions rotate and themes change in order to maximise the possibilities. Every year, around twenty monographic or thematic exhibitions are organised by the museum.
A wide variety of events are also organised; these include music, dance, theatre, arts performances and films, exploring the interaction between these diverse disciplines and the visual arts. There are also regular conference cycles, encounters and debates with a focus on the visual arts and their multi-disciplinary extensions, all open to the general public.
The Pompidou Centre displays modern collections from 1905, and many schools represented in the museum include movements such as: Fauvism, Cubism, Dada, Abstract School, Surrealism etc.
A museum that makes art accessible to everyone
This popular museum has specifically-designed areas for children, teenagers and families to get the most out of the exhibitions and events. These include the Galerie des enfants, the Atelier des enfants and Studio 13/16 (the first space dedicated to teenagers in a major cultural institution). They offer workshops and programmes that promote awareness and facilitate artistic experiences for children and young people of all ages.
In order to open up the process of contemporary creation to all visitors, the Pompidou Centre offers guided tours of its collections and exhibitions as well as conferences and introductory sessions which are fully accessible.
It also houses a documentary research and information centre (the Kandinsky Library) intended for modern and contemporary art history researchers. For those into music, don’t miss the acoustic/music research and coordination institute (Ircam) which annually offers a range of concerts including around twenty new works, together with an “Academy Festival” in June.
Access Entry via the Piazza, place Georges Pompidou.
Access to the Bpi via rue du Renard
Ramp access: Rue du Renard, on the corner of Saint-Merri
Métro : Rambuteau, Hôtel de Ville, Châtelet
RER : Châtelet - Les Halles
Bus : 29, 38, 47, 75
Vélib: station no. 4020, opposite 27 Rue Quincampoix; station no. 3014, opposite 34 Rue Grenier Saint-Lazare, station no. 3010 at 46 Rue Beaubourg
Contact Centre Pompidou 75191 Paris cedex 04 Telephone: +33 (0)1 44 78 12 If you have queries regarding access please contact: +33 (0)1 44 78 16 73
Bibliothèque aussi
Le Centre Pompidou, c’est aussi une bibliothèque publique d’information, gratuite, ouverte à tous :
- un centre d’information et de recherches documentaires (Bibliothèque Kandinsky) réservé aux chercheurs en histoire de l’art moderne et contemporain
- un institut de recherche et de coordination acoustique/musique (Ircam) qui propose chaque année une programmation de concerts, dont une vingtaine de créations, ainsi qu’un festival et académie (ManiFeste) en juin.
Conçu par les architectes Renzo Piano et Richard Rogers au cœur de Paris, le Centre Pompidou a ouvert au public en février 1977. Depuis sa construction, le bâtiment révolutionnaire à la structure apparente et résolument colorée, est une icône de l’architecture du XXe siècle et demeure une source d’inspiration pour toute une génération d’architectes.
Une fermeture progressive de 5 ans pour rénovation à l'automne 2024
De 2025 à 2030, le Centre Pompidou fermera ses portes pour des travaux de modernisation et de désamiantage. Pour autant, vous ne serez pas privé des œuvres habituellement exposées. Pour les contempler, rendez-vous à la saison estivale 2026 pour l'ouverture du Centre Pompidou Francilien - Fabrique de l'Art / Musée national Picasso-Paris à Massy dans l'Essonne, près de Paris.
Ce nouveau musée mélangera expositions, restaurations et stockage des œuvres tout en décentralisant l'accès à l'Art hors de Paris.
Recommandations et conseils : Pour profiter pleinement de votre visite, évitez les périodes de fortes affluences. Pour cela, privilégiez les visites en semaine dès l'ouverture ou en fin d'après-midi.
En savoir plus : * Visitez le Centre Pompidou * Horaires et tarifs * Découvrez les sites incontournables avec le Paris Museum Pass
Have a chance to win 1 out of 25 double passes to visit the exhibition Matisse: Life & Spirit, click here!

By The editor
The editorial staff of follows the trends and news of destinations to bring you stories from France that reveal its innovations and traditions that make you long to (re) discover its territories.