Open shops on Sunday


ParisShopping and French Savoir FaireCities

Paris Tourism Office / Stéphanie Rivoal
© Paris Tourism Office / Stéphanie Rivoal

Reading time: 0 minPublished on 1 February 2017

Où faire ses achats le dimanche à Paris? Revue de détails des conditions d'ouverture des magasins dans les grands quartiers touristiques de la capitale.

In Paris, many shops open on Sunday

Although Sunday closing is the norm, some tourist areas are exceptions to this rule:

  • Montmartre,
  • Haussmann,
  • Porte-Maillot-Place des Ternes,
  • Champs-Elysées-Avenue Montaigne,
  • Beaugrenelle,
  • Saint-Germain,
  • Rennes-Saint Sulpice,
  • Olympiades,
  • Saint Emilion-Blibliothèque,
  • le Marais,
  • les Halles,
  • Saint Honoré-Vendôme

In the Marais district, the numerous clothing and accessories shops in rue des Francs-Bourgeois are open on Sunday.

Some main roads are even closed to motorized traffic on Sunday afternoon. The La Défense business district is also a place for Sunday shopping: at the 4 Temps shopping centre and close byin the shopping galleries of the Cnit.


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