Thrills and spills in Tahiti!


Tahiti-French PolynesiaNature and Outdoor ActivitiesCoastal

Ben Thouard
© Ben Thouard

Reading time: 0 minPublished on 13 February 2024

We head to French Polynesia with photographer Ben Thouard, in search of waves, surf, and breathtaking shots.

Ben Thouard
© Ben Thouard

Hawaiian surfer John John Florence (world surfing champion in 2016) sizes up the unique Tahiti waves.

Ben Thouard
© Ben Thouard

Even in the rain, the power of these waves is breathtaking.

Ben Thouard
© Ben Thouard

The ocean has a truly mystical side.

Ben Thouard
© Ben Thouard

But it also has a strong character, and I like to be there to witness it…

Ben Thouard
© Ben Thouard

The Australian Owen Wright rides the Teahupoo tube, one of the world's most famous and dangersous waves.

Ben Thouard
© Ben Thouard

As if sculpted by the light, this rising wave creates a unique spectacle for a fraction of a second.

Ben Thouard
© Ben Thouard

Freediver Yoram Zekri explores the Polynesian depths.

Ben Thouard
© Ben Thouard

The famous Teahupoo wave in the Havae Passe, with a coral carpet just beneath.

Ben Thouard
© Ben Thouard

On 27 August 2011, an exceptional swell created one of the biggest waves ever seen in Tahiti.

By Ben Thouard

Ben Thouard is an aquatic photographer based in Tahiti. A huge fan of the ocean from a very young age, that's where he finds his inspiration and spends most of his time. It's simply where he feels best...

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